Thursday, October 13, 2011

BBM Global Fever !!

A MUST-READ article for all of you, BB addicts!
(Read the article attached above.)

Okay now wait a minute… Sit back and relax… cool down… just for a second… forget about your deadly bbm issue that's going to ruin your life and end your happiness bla bla bla…STOP MOURNING IT FOR GOD'S SAKE… And Just Think.

Broken hearted becomes Broken-bbmed.. Welcome to Media World! And as the saying in Arabic goes: "Eshna wa Shefna!" ... SERIOUSLY! :D 

IT IS TOTALLY, FULLY, EXTREMELY, AND EXTRAORDINARILY AWESOME and PHENOMENAL, how the whole world has gone NUTS without their BBM! What has happened to us? Are we so dependent now that I can't even just meet someone without having to cry over their bbm?

Monday morning, while sitting in the metro to go to my college, I unknowingly found myself engaged into a talk between two girls, and that's how it went:

X: "Oh my God! What the hell is this? Why the hell is my bbm ain't workin?! Screw it, I'm screwed, I can't talk to my friend in Canada, and I need her urgent JUST TODAY! Oh my God, This can't be happening…"
Y: "SH*T! Are you just serious? *checks her BB* WOW I can't believe it! Damn, I can't finish my assignment now!! I had this group work, and I talk to my group through bbm, oh my god I'm so gona explain this to my instructor, I AM VERY SURE HE'LL UNDERSTAND, come on, I mean no bbm, seriously? That's a joke.."
Etc etc etc…
Then I took out my phone, checked out my service, and realized that mine is down too. Soon after, everyone knew that it was not just their case; it was the case WORLD WIDE.

In fact, to be precise, the outage of the BlackBerry Message service (BBM service) was basically in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, as well as some South American regions got affected too. Well, the BlackBerry guys apologized for the matter! I mean they couldn't do anything about it, and they are working hard to fix the issue over this weekend. Okay, that's great. (Atleast for me!)
But what's wrong with other people? They don't want apologies, they don't want explanations, and they don't even want to understand the complexity of the matter, what they want though, is just one and only one thing…




They want BBM.


They want it.

BBM, yeah?

BBM is Everything!

BBM you see it?!

What's wrong, people? How did your life just proceed before Blackberries and Smartphones!
The way Media controls our lives, and minds, subconsciously is becoming so dominant now, without even realizing it.
And for me, personally, it is actually scaring me. I mean what's more…

Have a look… :D
Take 2 minutes of your time to laugh...
But, I sadly regret to say that, yes, the content down is exaggerated, however, BB addicts of very very similar situations do exist in our lives today. This makes me wonder, what will happen to us if one day we wake up, to find our world went blank... or time took us back 3000 years...

No internet...
No computers..
No phones...
No radio...
No magazines...
No newspapers...

Will we die of the shock? Perhaps.

Okay now seriously enough blaberring and have a look.

PS: No offence to any Blackberry User. The following is just a collection of some exaggerated comic pictures and jokes for the entertainment purpose.


"I freaking want BBM NOW! I am feeling wild without it! I don't want Mommy, I want bbm!"

"How will I live without you, 3 whole days, my darling, oh bbm my love, what is life without you. I don't wana live anymore. I'll smoke and die."

"How do I know the new gossips now! I don't get to stalk the display pictures and status, damn, my life is so shallow now, bbm I need you!"

"My business is all ruined! I have all my business buddies on my bbm, I'm screwed!"

"KILL ME NOW, BBM now or shoot me! oh my God… Get me water… I think I'm fainting…"

Girl: "Mom, he broke up with me, I couldnt bbm him back and he thought I'm ignoring!"
Mom: "Don't worry babe, bbm will be back and everything will be fine."

"NO! This can't be happening, RIM announced the problem not resvoled! What do I do in my life now!"

"My life is ruined, BBM please, I beg you come back!"

I've had enough of this. Actually I'd love to see your comments about it as well! :D
Cheers x

1 comment:

  1. THIS IS SO TRUE!!!!!
    This pissed me off so much!! All the trending topics on facebook and twitter were about the BBM service and how it's been down! Everyone i talk to complains about BBM! & the funny thing is that the world was much more social through these 3 days! like you'd actually feel that people are alive you know?? I have seen such a huge difference it's not even funny! great post! I simply love it!
