Thursday, October 13, 2011

BBM Global Fever !!

A MUST-READ article for all of you, BB addicts!
(Read the article attached above.)

Okay now wait a minute… Sit back and relax… cool down… just for a second… forget about your deadly bbm issue that's going to ruin your life and end your happiness bla bla bla…STOP MOURNING IT FOR GOD'S SAKE… And Just Think.

Broken hearted becomes Broken-bbmed.. Welcome to Media World! And as the saying in Arabic goes: "Eshna wa Shefna!" ... SERIOUSLY! :D 

IT IS TOTALLY, FULLY, EXTREMELY, AND EXTRAORDINARILY AWESOME and PHENOMENAL, how the whole world has gone NUTS without their BBM! What has happened to us? Are we so dependent now that I can't even just meet someone without having to cry over their bbm?

Monday morning, while sitting in the metro to go to my college, I unknowingly found myself engaged into a talk between two girls, and that's how it went:

X: "Oh my God! What the hell is this? Why the hell is my bbm ain't workin?! Screw it, I'm screwed, I can't talk to my friend in Canada, and I need her urgent JUST TODAY! Oh my God, This can't be happening…"
Y: "SH*T! Are you just serious? *checks her BB* WOW I can't believe it! Damn, I can't finish my assignment now!! I had this group work, and I talk to my group through bbm, oh my god I'm so gona explain this to my instructor, I AM VERY SURE HE'LL UNDERSTAND, come on, I mean no bbm, seriously? That's a joke.."
Etc etc etc…
Then I took out my phone, checked out my service, and realized that mine is down too. Soon after, everyone knew that it was not just their case; it was the case WORLD WIDE.

In fact, to be precise, the outage of the BlackBerry Message service (BBM service) was basically in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, as well as some South American regions got affected too. Well, the BlackBerry guys apologized for the matter! I mean they couldn't do anything about it, and they are working hard to fix the issue over this weekend. Okay, that's great. (Atleast for me!)
But what's wrong with other people? They don't want apologies, they don't want explanations, and they don't even want to understand the complexity of the matter, what they want though, is just one and only one thing…




They want BBM.


They want it.

BBM, yeah?

BBM is Everything!

BBM you see it?!

What's wrong, people? How did your life just proceed before Blackberries and Smartphones!
The way Media controls our lives, and minds, subconsciously is becoming so dominant now, without even realizing it.
And for me, personally, it is actually scaring me. I mean what's more…

Have a look… :D
Take 2 minutes of your time to laugh...
But, I sadly regret to say that, yes, the content down is exaggerated, however, BB addicts of very very similar situations do exist in our lives today. This makes me wonder, what will happen to us if one day we wake up, to find our world went blank... or time took us back 3000 years...

No internet...
No computers..
No phones...
No radio...
No magazines...
No newspapers...

Will we die of the shock? Perhaps.

Okay now seriously enough blaberring and have a look.

PS: No offence to any Blackberry User. The following is just a collection of some exaggerated comic pictures and jokes for the entertainment purpose.


"I freaking want BBM NOW! I am feeling wild without it! I don't want Mommy, I want bbm!"

"How will I live without you, 3 whole days, my darling, oh bbm my love, what is life without you. I don't wana live anymore. I'll smoke and die."

"How do I know the new gossips now! I don't get to stalk the display pictures and status, damn, my life is so shallow now, bbm I need you!"

"My business is all ruined! I have all my business buddies on my bbm, I'm screwed!"

"KILL ME NOW, BBM now or shoot me! oh my God… Get me water… I think I'm fainting…"

Girl: "Mom, he broke up with me, I couldnt bbm him back and he thought I'm ignoring!"
Mom: "Don't worry babe, bbm will be back and everything will be fine."

"NO! This can't be happening, RIM announced the problem not resvoled! What do I do in my life now!"

"My life is ruined, BBM please, I beg you come back!"

I've had enough of this. Actually I'd love to see your comments about it as well! :D
Cheers x

Friday, October 7, 2011

My Tribute...

I am an iFan, and I couldnt but pay him a tribute myself. There.. =)



We'll Miss you... Steve Jobs.


"Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor. Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple." (
Apple's dedicated homepage:

I wake up in the morning, just like every other day, to get ready and start a brand new day at my college. However, yesterday was remarkable; very different.. Yesterday, a legend passed away;
He is Steve Jobs.
His loss will definitely leave a mark and this date will be always remembered. It really hit me so bad when I first knew about his death. I couldn't believe the world has lost such a man, and I felt sad and depressed to the extreme to have lost the man who had definitely revolutionized the computer industry. We all do admit, it is a very unfortunate loss.
Apple released the statement (mentioned above) of condolence and is currently mourning his loss. Since I am highly affected and I am still under the shock, I decided to blog something about Steve, just in praise of him and in honor of his legacy.
The video attached above, is Steve Jobs' 2005 Commencement Speech at Stanford University, California. The power lies in his strong and effect-lasting words. What caught my eyes in his speech is the element of credibility in it. He preferred to speak about 3 stories of his life, and not to just speak generally or in an abstract manner. This is the strength itself. He chose to publicize his experiences; tough ones and good ones. How honest and humble is that! The fact that he does not try to hide his past, and is ready to expose every aspect of his life, makes him the man of the crowd. Everyone loves Steve Jobs; of course, he did a lot. BUT everyone loves Steve Jobs THE PERSON too, that's for his great personality and charisma. The stories he chose, are very moving; I dropped tears listening to them. (Especially that now he's gone…!) Everyone could relate to them, and get touched by their impact. When I first viewed the video, I remember I was expecting to hear something professional, something abstract, something generalized, well… I was very wrong. The reason why I'm sharing this today in my blog (oh and am definitely sharing this on my FB profile) is because I couldn't listen to those words without wanting to make the whole world listen to them. I want everyone to get influenced, just the way I was.
The internet yesterday showed an overload because of people searching the story of the day; "Steve Jobs Dead." In addition; people went creative. Everyone wanted to send out their condolences and pay him a tribute; however, one person stood out. Jonathan Mak's tribute to Steve Jobs became a major online hit. He is a student at a Design school in Hong Kong and he came up with the creative idea of embedding Steve Job's face in the bite of the Apple logo.  Then people adapted the idea to create different versions. They added to the design some words like: "Steve Jobs; Apple of the Heart. " , "Steve Jobs 1955-2011" and " iSad". Check the pictures to view the design, and visit the link below to read more about the story.

Original Design (Held by Jonathan Mak):

Other Designs that followed:

Apple is mourning. The Net is mourning. The World is mourning. May you rest in peace our legend... Steve


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Apple Disappoints Us?

Please visit the above link to read the article.
Apple is the company that never sleeps. Well, that is at least my opinion :P I feel that Apple is a very competitive and hardworking company; they always need to upgrade and make improvements in order to please their customers. Sometimes, they do not necessarily have an entirely brand new release, but they still go for an upgrade or something, just to stay on track. However; people seem to be disappointed in Apple's new iphone release; iphone 4S. It is most probable that people had waited a lot, which made their expectations grow higher than the limit. People expected something really new, but the new model was just an upgrade of the one before. (add and minus some features).
Apple held their latest event; "Media Event" on October, 4 at Apple's campus in Cupertino, California. 'Mac-ers' were all waiting anxiously, and people were actually predicting what Apple could have in store for them at the event ever since the event was scheduled and announced to the public. Finally, the big wait flourished, and the secrets were uncovered. It Was Iphone 4S!
Well, the rumors that had been going on so far is; the customers have been actually disappointed! In my opinion, I think that every new version released by Apple, even if it's just an upgrade, and does not introduce a fully new technology or application, it still does have an importance and a different taste. I myself can't live without being updated on every version, to know all about their features and start comparing! Well honestly, each version seems to impress me even more than the one before. To me, all of them were totally impressing, and so is the case with the new iphone 4S. Yeah, I tend to disagree with the common opinion.
The 1st iphone was something new, it was multi touch! The 2nd iphone was even better; it added 3G and an App Store. The 3rd iphone was twice times faster, not to mention that it had a much better camera. The 4th iphone doubled the screen resolution, and it impressed a lot of people ( definitely me! I can see the pixels, trust me! :D) The 5th iphone again, doubled the CPU performance, and on top of that, it was 5 times the GPU performance of the former version. (Not to mention the noticeable improvement of the camera once more!) It also added an amazing application; the Siri application, which was so impressively capable and extremely helpful for those who had a lot of to-dos and tasks; since it helped them in keeping track of things. And finally, comes iphone 4S. It has great upgraded features, although it cancelled the Siri app.
For me, everything is promising. If you didn't like this model, you'll like the next one, and if not the next one, then the one after it. Seriously people, don't grab on it now, just give the poor Apple-ers some break! Creativity needs time, and I'm pretty sure they still do have plenty of other breathtaking ideas, and they just need time to change those ideas into concrete models! :D
What do you think about the new model? Are you also disappointed like most of them? Feel free to share your opinion. :D

Apple CEO, Tim Cook, unveils the iPhone 4S at the company’s headquarters in Cupertino, Calif. (Associated Press).

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Social Media: Where is it leading us to??

Sitting comfortably on the chair, behind the computer screen, talking to your friend, chatting for hours now, then simply looking behind, to find him or her sitting in the next door computer lab, in the library! You look to each others, share that awkward look and burst into laughter! Ever happened with any of you? If not, I'm pretty sure one day one time, it will!
No one denies what the Social Media revolution added to our lives, and what improvements it brought with it. Clearly enough, everyone by now have seen the great effects of it on nearly every aspect of our lives, such as our personal lives, social lives, professional lives and much more. On a personal level, to communicate with family and friends, to share multimedia, to make new friends, to reach out to a huge audience and make your voice heard are just a few features of what social media offers. Work wise, to make communication easier among international companies, and send electronic mails that are hundred times faster than normal mails are basically the blessings of social media and the facilities it provides. Oh great social media, we should be grateful, thankful…However; there is definitely more to the story!
Let's approach it from an entirely different angle…
I mean, seriously, are we letting this great digital revolution to take over our lives after all the pros that we've seen from it? Two major problems we are facing today due to the social media: laziness, and unproductiveness.
The social media that is depicted in the social networking websites such as Facebook and Twitter has been the dominant for around the past 6 to 7 years now. This dominance led to many positive as well as negatives results. Generally speaking, social networking websites seemed to erase the importance of the interpersonal communication, and people especially youngsters whose age groups range from 15-25 would rather prefer hiding behind screens instead of having a face-to-face real conversation, or having to have an eye contact with someone. Perhaps, the reason behind that is youngsters who've been already born within the digital age era, have been quite experiencing that kind of communication ONLY. They didn’t seem to experience the real communication like older generations did. This made them develop the laziness, and the habit of replacing the interpersonal communication, with such means, like instant messaging, and networking websites. Sometimes, they start hating on huge gatherings where they have to meet a lot of people, or even feel out casted due to the lack of such communication in their lives! Trust me, this is no exaggeration! (let's not mention also, the unproductiveness it leads youngsters to when they spend hours and hours just on blabbering through instant messaging programs!)
Having said enough about the youngsters, let's have a look on adults. Looking upon a different range of age groups that is from 25 and above, social media leads them sometimes to unproductiveness. Those adults are wasting their time, and there are two cases. Case 1: They are either learning how to deal with the new digital revolution that stormed their lives, as in learning how to start catching up with the busy and dominating life that is constantly and exponentially improving. Case 2: They have already passed that phase and are quite eligible to use everything contemporary and challenging related to social media, so what happens? They simply become overwhelmed and lost in admiration of the new technologies provided to them. This leads them to ignoring many important aspects of their lives, let's say, family, or work, thus; becoming rather unproductive. Therefore, either ways, this is really going bad.
I am absolutely not against social media, and I'm not trying to say "It is bad; let's abandon this", all what I'm trying to say over here is to prove that positives and negatives are just the two faces of the same coin; social media. What we need to do is to start taking up serious actions, and take all the negative points that we've been acting blind to, into consideration. Other than this, I guarantee you, we'll all fall apart from the social media negative effects that are becoming bigger every day and every minute. Just by reading this sentence, there are hundreds of youngsters who have just signed in to MSN, to start their prolonged chatting sessions!
Social Media: Where is it leading us to? Watch the video and I'll leave the comment to you. :D